Why we do what we do

Our favorite thing about Skincerity is the response we get from people who love it. When they talk about what a difference Skincerity has made for their skin. When they can't wait to show you their before and after pictures. When they talk about how they used to never leave the house without makeup, but now do. When they talk about a scar that they have been embarrassed about for years, that has now faded. When they talk about their long-time struggle with blemishes that no other product seemed to help, but Skincerity did. 

That's why we do what we do!

Our Journey

15 years, millions of bottles, thousands of beautiful faces







A hand with a glove pouring Skincerity Nightly Breathable Masque into a flask to emphasize its scientific development

Research & Development

Skincerity is developed with more than $4.75 million in National Institutes of Health grants.

A 2009 image of 2 bottles of Skincerity Nightly Breathable Masque next to capsules of Vitamin E, an active ingredient in Skincerity's breathable barrier technology. One bottle has the cap off to highlight the roll-on applicator.

Skincerity Launched

NuCerity Int'l launches in US and Canada featuring Skincerity as the premier product.

A graphic showing a global network with dots and lines connecting various continents, representing NuCerity's global expansion in 2012

Global Expansion

As demand for our breathable barrier technology grows, Skincerity expands globally.

2016 Skincerity Nightly Breathable Masque

3,000,000 Bottles Sold

We reach a significant milestone, selling over 3,000,000 bottles of Skincerity.


Relaxing Skincerity Lavender is introduced as well as our new online store.

A bottle of Skincerity next to a sprig of lavender in a test tube and a microscope slide with drops of Lavandox, an advanced ingredient derived from lavender

We Keep Rolling!

Using the latest in skincare technology, Skincerity Lavandox joins the family.

Phyllis Siegel at our office in the San Antonio, TX

Our Story

On a cold and rainy Saturday, the company’s founder Phyllis Siegel fell and broke her wrist in four places. After two surgeries, her doctor advised her to use Vitamin E to reduce the scarring. Phyllis directed our lab to formulate Vitamin E into Skincerity’s breathable barrier technology. A few weeks later, a friend asked to see her scar and couldn’t believe what she saw, “It looks like you had a facelift around your wrist!”  We knew in that moment that we had to share this product with the world.



Before & After

These are the famous hands of Phyllis Siegel. To prove how well Skincerity works, she rolls the product on only one of her hands. What started as an accident turned into an experiment that started a global skincare movement.

A hand wearing a glove is holding a bottle of Skincerity Apple, emphasizing Skincerity's scientific foundation

Rooted in Science

You would be hard pressed to find a skincare product with more research behind it than Skincerity. Originally developed as an innovative topical drug delivery technology for dermatology and medical applications, the research underlying Skincerity was funded with more than $4.75 million in grants from the National Institutes of Health.

How it Works

  • Skincerity rolls right onto your skin, creating a thin, overnight breathable masque.

    Apply a thin layer

    Before bedtime, clean your skin to remove makeup and/or any residual dirt, and then roll Skincerity right onto your skin. It flash dries in seconds to form a thin, flexible, clear film. While it is wet, Skincerity acts like a toner to dissolve excess oil while it deep cleans away bacteria on skin and tightens pores. After it has dried, the Skincerity masque is engineered to contain a maze of microscopic holes that forms the structure of its breathable barrier.

  • Hydrate as you sleep

    Skincerity’s breathable barrier allows oxygen and vapor to pass but delays the evaporation of your body’s natural moisture to hydrate your skin while you sleep. As you sleep, Skincerity continuously delivers an extended release of active ingredients such as antioxidants, botanicals and/or essential oils. You can also apply Skincerity over your favorite products to enhance their effectiveness.

    In the morning, massage Skincerity off with warm soapy water, facial wipes, moisturizer, or your favorite cleanser. Upon removal, Skincerity gently exfoliates dead skin cells and leaves you with a radiant, brightened complexion and velvety smooth skin.